Welcome to my Fine Art Gallery

June 13, 2017 § Leave a comment

I am happy to invite you to visit my new online Fine Art Gallery, where you can buy a selection of my images as prints for decoration, cards or customize products such as towels and phone cases.

Although there is a lot of material in the process of uploading to the gallery, you can already check images from Ibiza, Formentera, Cies Islands or Biarritz, among others.

Hope you like them. Thanks!

ESP / Me complace invitarte a visitar mi nueva Galería de Arte online, donde puedes adquirir una selección de mis fotografías en soportes tales como láminas, cuadros o incluso en productos customizados a tu gusto, como toallas o fundas de móvil.

De momento puedes ver imágenes de lugares como Ibiza, Formentera, Islas Cíes o Biarritz, aunque hay cientos de otras fotos, de muchos temas y destinos, en el proceso de ser incorporadas a la web.

Espero que te gusten. ¡Gracias!


November 4, 2016 § Leave a comment

“When you know who you are; when your mission is clear 
and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart;
no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.”

~ Chief Seattle


Photo © Nano Calvo
Follow me on Instagram

A Flash of the Past in San Francisco

October 6, 2016 § Leave a comment

San Francisco by Nano Calvo
Photo © Nano Calvo
Follow me on Instagram

Hidden Nature

May 13, 2016 § Leave a comment

“Hidden nature is secret God”  
Sri Aurobindo


ENG/ In the picture, a beautiful hummingbird is hiding between the branches of the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica. You can see our full story here.

ESP/ En la foto, un bello colibrí se esconde entre el ramaje del Bosque Nuboso de Monteverde, en Costa Rica. Puedes ver nuestro reportaje completo aquí.

Photo © Nano Calvo

Spring is sure to follow

May 6, 2016 § Leave a comment

“No matter how long the Winter,
Spring is sure to follow.”

— Proverb

Photo © Nano Calvo
San Carlos, Ibiza, Spain 2009

Steve McCurry at the Mücsarnok

April 7, 2016 § Leave a comment

First of our features from Hungary on Inusualia. We begin with an article on Steve McCurry´s exhibition at the Műcsarnok of Budapest, also our tribute to an essential figure of contemporary photography. You may read it here.

Primer reportaje en Inusualia de nuestro viaje por Hungría. Empezamos con la exposición de Steve McCurry en el Mücsarnok, en Budapest, homenajeando de paso a una figura esencial de la fotografía contemporánea. Puedes verlo aquí.

Photos © Nano Calvo

For more of Steve McCurry´s Work:

The Iconic Photographs
Untold, the Story Behind the Photographs
The Path to Buddha, a Tibetan Pilgrimage

A PictureHogwartDraculesque Castle

April 2, 2016 § Leave a comment

Picturesque, Hogwartesque and Draculesque Vajdahunyad Castle, and its reflection, in Budapest, Hungary. More photos on Instagram.


El Pintoresco, Hogwartesco y Draculesco castillo de Vajdahunyad, y su reflejo, en Budapest, Hungría. Más fotos en Instagram.

Photo © Nano Calvo

Old Intercom in Budapest

April 2, 2016 § Leave a comment

There is something about this intercom, at a dilapidated house in a suburb of Budapest, which inspires me fascination and respect, at the same time. Probably those names that speak of long and arduous lives and remind me that everything is temporary and transient.

We have spent five exhausting and intense days travelling across Hungary, an amazing country where we have been fortunate to photograph rare events and places, meeting great people who undoubtedly we will see again. Soon, more photos and reports on Inusualia and our social sites (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)


Hay algo en este portero automático, al pie de una vetusta casa de un barrio de Budapest, que me fascina y me inspira un profundo respeto, al mismo tiempo. Probablemente sean esos nombres que parecen hablar de vidas largas y arduas y me recuerdan que todo es temporal y pasajero.

Hemos pasado cinco agotadores e intensos días en Hungría, recorriendo un país increíble con la suerte de fotografiar eventos y lugares poco frecuentes y de conocer gente que, sin duda, volveremos a ver. Pronto, más fotos y reportajes en Inusualia y en las redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

Photo © Nano Calvo

A Trip to Ceylon

March 4, 2016 § Leave a comment

Our latest travel feature, A Trip to Ceylon, is now online at Inusualia. In this case, we offer a visual summary of our intense and beautiful trip across the wonderful country of Sri Lanka. Hope you enjoy and share. Thanks!

Nuestro último reportaje de viajes, Viaje a Ceylán, ya está online en Inusualia. En este caso, se trata de un resumen visual de nuestro intenso y grato viaje alrededor de la bella Sri Lanka. Espero que te guste y compartas. Gracias!

Flying Macaws in Costa Rica

February 15, 2016 § Leave a comment

Two macaws flying in the reservation created by “The Ara Project” in Costa Rica, dedicated to saving Costa Rica’s two native macaws, commonly known as Lapas. If you are in Manzanillo area, don´t hesitate to give them a visit and help preserve this beautiful birds.

If you like the photo, feel invited to check Inusualia and follow me on Instagram.


Dos ejemplares de Guacamayo vuelan en la reserva de “El Proyecto Ara“, en Costa Rica, dedicada a la preservación de dos tipos de esta especie nativa, conocida comúnmente como Lapa. Si pasas por la zona de Manzanillo, no dudes en visitar su centro y en colaborar con tan noble causa.

Si te gusta la foto, no dudes en visitar Inusualia y seguirme en Instagram.

Photo © Nano Calvo

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