Morning Cycling

January 17, 2013 § Leave a comment

As an almost daily bike user, I have decided to change my training pattern and start going out soon, in the morning, instead of riding only at night, or in the afternoon. Although it´s been a very cold morning here, in Madrid, the experience was very positive, thanks in a way to the great equipment that the friends of The North Face create. Therefore, I will use the occasion for inviting you all to try waking up earlier and going out soon, in the morning, for practicing your favorite outdoors sport.

If you already do, or have any training suggestion, please share with us your advice and experiences.

Although I don´t like myself in pictures, and have some kind of phobia to posing, I attach a post-training-self-portrait and wish you all a great day.

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My Angel Mother

January 14, 2013 § Leave a comment

“All that I am, or hope to be,
I owe to my angel mother.”

Abraham Lincoln

CalvoFamilyAlthough she is not into new technologies, every place is good, and every moment is correct, for celebrating a mother´s birthday. On the photograph, taken by my father, she tries to struggle with the three of us. I´m the one below, probably looking at the sky or with my mind somewhere else.

Photo © Enrique Calvo

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Far Steps, Close Steps

August 24, 2012 § 1 Comment

If all goes well, in a few hours I will be stepping on the warm sands of Cádiz, Andalucia, for the first time in my capricious existence. I hope I can have the chance to visit Chipiona, the town where my dear grandmother, Regla, was born. I may walk on the same streets where she used to play and enjoy, as much as she could, the temporary sweets of her forgotten childhood.

Close are my steps, far ar hers.

Photo © Nano Calvo

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